Family Law Cases in Thailand

If you have a family law case in Thailand it is critically important that you have an experienced family lawyer or family attorney or Thai barrister for family law cases with a track record of success, who can speak English.

In family law cases, it is advisable to have a Thai Barrister (the highest level of lawyer certification and the only lawyers who are qualified to be Thai judges) who is an experienced English-speaking thai lawyer for family law cases in Thailand.

SIAM CENTER LAW GROUP is dedicated to representing foreigners in Thailand who are looking for English-speaking Thai lawyers / attorneys for family law cases in Bangkok, Pattaya, Phuket, Samui, or other destinations in Thailand. SIAM CENTER LAW GROUP has a dedicated and experienced team of English-speaking family lawyers or family attorneys or Thai barristers for family law cases in Thailand.

Family laws matters involving divorce or child custody can often be emotionally charged processes for the participants. These matters can result in children being taken away from their parents and often involve the distributions of significant sums of money.

No other type of business or personal litigation comes close to the intensity of divorce. There is nothing worst or more vicious. The family court system of divorce is inherently adversarial. The culture and traditions of Thailand have had a unique impact on the creation of the existing divorce laws. SIAM CENTER LAW GROUP has experienced English speaking Thai lawyers or Thai attorneys with the Thailand divorce process and its particular blend of legal circumstances. SIAM CENTER LAW GROUP’s Thai lawyers are specifically oriented to the representation of foreigners living in Thailand. SIAM CENTER LAW GROUP provides its clients with vigorous and compassionate representation.

Child Custody
Child custody cases in any country are very sensitive and vitally important. For foreigners living in Thailand, the language and legal issues can be very complicated. SIAM CENTER LAW GROUP is an extremely experienced Thailand law firm in Thai divorce and custody procedures and will dedicate himself to maximize the best outcome for his clients. SIAM CENTER LAW GROUP has experienced English-speaking Thai lawyers or Thai attorneys in Child Custody in Bangkok, Thailand.

Marriage Law is unique in Thailand and marriages bring up the need for many legal services that are important and should not be taken lightly. Before you get married all necessary issues need to be discussed to make sure down the road problems do not arise or are minimized. SIAM CENTER LAW GROUP has many years of experience in assisting clients with marriage issues before and after the wedding.

Prenuptial Agreement
Prenuptial Agreements are the best way for both parties in a marriage to protect themselves from issues and complications that can arise in a marriage. SIAM CENTER LAW GROUP has extensive experience and countless satisfied clients who have entered into prenuptial agreements before their wedding day.